April 2016: "Variety"

A good variety of fish were available in April including Red Fish, Speckled Trout, Spanish Mackerel, Triple Tail, Pompano, Cobia and others.

April provided great action both in-shore and off-shore.  Trout action inside was steady all month using a 5" jerk bait, and off-shore the Miro Lure "Little John" kept the action going.

The "Mack" attack was in full swing on the deeper grass patches and rock piles in 8 to 15 feet of water.  Free-lined shrimp or cut bait in a chum line did the trick to keep the rods bent and reels screaming !

Triple Tail have been on the crab trap markers and waiting for a shrimp to drift by.  This is a one person at a time presentation, so take turns as you come up on these unusual fish.

Cobia have been showing up in better numbers, and are hitting just about anything; jigs, shrimp, cut bait, or what ever you have rigged at the time when they decide to use your boat as a place to relax in the shade.

The Red Fish bite has been on fire !
The last 2 hours of the rising tide has been the most productive, and the first hour of the outgoing.  Shrimp, pin fish, spoons, jigs and jerk baits have all worked well.

Thanks again to all of my guests and friends for another fun month on the waters of Crystal River and Homosassa.  I look forward to our next fishing adventure !    Capt Mark

For more great fishing pics, visit my facebook page at:
For more great fish pics, visit my Face Book page........ 

March 2016: A month of "Catching"

If you enjoy "catching" fish instead of just fishing, March was the month to do it !

Inside everything has been feeding; Trout, Red Fish, Pompano, Spanish Mackerel, and Snook.  On the flats the trout fishing has been outstanding !  Limits were the norm with some very large fish over the 20" range.   5" jerk baits over the hard bottom and Miro Lure "Little John" in any color on a 1/8 oz jig head in the deeper grass was all that was needed to fill the cooler.

Joining the action are the Pompano, Spanish Mackerel, Blue Fish, and others.  Out on the shallow rocks the Sheepshead has slowed down, but the Spanish Mackerel bite has taken it's place.  A little bit of chum and some shrimp is all that's needed to get them going. 

Even though the season is closed for Grouper, they are everywhere on the rock piles.  Fish ranging from 6" to 30" have been caught while using shrimp around these structures.  So the outlook for this grouper season is golden, and should be another great year.

Back inside, the Snook action has been getting better and better this year.  In past years Snook wasn't really a species that we expected to catch, but are becoming much more common.  This month we landed some nice fish with a few in the slot.  Many of these Snook have been caught while red fishing, so keep that in mind as you hit your favorite red fish hole.

The Red Fish action has been good and getting better, so April should be "Seeing Red" !  No changes on baits and locations.  Live shrimp is always good either free-lined or under a cork.  Top water baits and spoons will provide a lot of strikes, while you cover a lot of area.  As the water warms, fresh cut bait is always a good choice because of the numbers of pin fish eating your shrimp. 

Many Thanks to my fishing friends, and a month of fishing memories.  Capt Mark

For more great fishng pics, visit my Facebook page.....

AUGUST 2018 - Summer of Redfish !

August has been hot and so has the Redfishing !  The red fish bite has been the best on the incoming tide around the islands and rocky point...